[edk2] [Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3] Extend IBB region.

zwei4 posted 1 patch 7 years, 7 months ago
Failed in applying to current master (apply log)
Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/BuildBios.bat             |   4 ++--
Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformDsc/Defines.dsc   |   2 +-
Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformPkg.fdf           |   6 +++---
.../ResetVector/Vtf0/Bin/ResetVector.ia32.port80.raw  | Bin 1556 -> 1556 bytes
.../Cpu/ResetVector/Vtf0/Ia32/InitNEM.asm             |   2 +-
5 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
[edk2] [Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3] Extend IBB region.
Posted by zwei4 7 years, 7 months ago
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: zwei4 <david.wei@intel.com>
 Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/BuildBios.bat             |   4 ++--
 Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformDsc/Defines.dsc   |   2 +-
 Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformPkg.fdf           |   6 +++---
 .../ResetVector/Vtf0/Bin/ResetVector.ia32.port80.raw  | Bin 1556 -> 1556 bytes
 .../Cpu/ResetVector/Vtf0/Ia32/InitNEM.asm             |   2 +-
 5 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/BuildBios.bat b/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/BuildBios.bat
index b57188d34..80de2f47b 100644
--- a/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/BuildBios.bat
+++ b/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/BuildBios.bat
@@ -410,9 +410,9 @@ copy /y/b %BUILD_PATH%\FV\FvOBBY.fv  %Storage_Folder% >nul
 if /i "%FSP_WRAPPER%" == "TRUE" (
   if %Stepping%==B (
-::  0xFEF63000 = gIntelFsp2WrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashFvFspBase = $(CAR_BASE_ADDRESS) + $(BLD_RAM_DATA_SIZE) + $(FSP_RAM_DATA_SIZE) + $(FSP_EMP_DATA_SIZE) + $(BLD_IBBM_SIZE)
+::  0xFEF7A000 = gIntelFsp2WrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashFvFspBase = $(CAR_BASE_ADDRESS) + $(BLD_RAM_DATA_SIZE) + $(FSP_RAM_DATA_SIZE) + $(FSP_EMP_DATA_SIZE) + $(BLD_IBBM_SIZE)
     pushd  %WORKSPACE%\Silicon\BroxtonSoC\BroxtonFspPkg\ApolloLakeFspBinPkg\FspBin
-    python %WORKSPACE%\Core\IntelFsp2Pkg\Tools\SplitFspBin.py rebase -f ApolloLakeFsp.fd -c m -b 0xFEF63000 -o .\ -n FSP.fd
+    python %WORKSPACE%\Core\IntelFsp2Pkg\Tools\SplitFspBin.py rebase -f ApolloLakeFsp.fd -c m -b 0xFEF7A000 -o .\ -n FSP.fd
     python %WORKSPACE%\Core\IntelFsp2Pkg\Tools\SplitFspBin.py split -f FSP.fd -o .\ -n FSP.Fv
     copy /y/b %WORKSPACE%\Silicon\BroxtonSoC\BroxtonFspPkg\ApolloLakeFspBinPkg\FspBin\FSP_T.Fv %Storage_Folder%\FSP_T.Fv
diff --git a/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformDsc/Defines.dsc b/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformDsc/Defines.dsc
index ff751c164..842acf308 100644
--- a/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformDsc/Defines.dsc
+++ b/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformDsc/Defines.dsc
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
     DEFINE FSP_IBBL_SIZE                   = 0x2000
     DEFINE BLD_IBBL_SIZE                   = 0x6000
     DEFINE FSP_IBBM_SIZE                   = 0x58000
-    DEFINE BLD_IBBM_SIZE                   = 0x1E000
+    DEFINE BLD_IBBM_SIZE                   = 0x35000
     DEFINE CAR_BASE_ADDRESS                = 0xFEF00000  # @PcdTemporaryRamBase
     DEFINE BLD_RAM_DATA_SIZE               = 0x16000     # BOOTLOADER temp memory size
diff --git a/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformPkg.fdf b/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformPkg.fdf
index 3b4d9e780..7522153a3 100644
--- a/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformPkg.fdf
+++ b/Platform/BroxtonPlatformPkg/PlatformPkg.fdf
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
     # 3MB BIOS Layout Definition
-    DEFINE FLASH_BASE       = 0xFFD00000    #The base address of the 3MB FLASH Device.
-    DEFINE FLASH_SIZE       = 0x00300000    #The flash size in bytes of the 3MB FLASH Device
+    DEFINE FLASH_BASE       = 0xFFCE9000    #The base address of the 3MB FLASH Device.
+    DEFINE FLASH_SIZE       = 0x00317000    #The flash size in bytes of the 3MB FLASH Device
     DEFINE FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x1000        #The block size in bytes of the 3MB FLASH Device.
-    DEFINE FLASH_NUM_BLOCKS = 0x300         #The number of blocks in 3MB FLASH Device.
+    DEFINE FLASH_NUM_BLOCKS = 0x317         #The number of blocks in 3MB FLASH Device.
     # 5MB BIOS Layout Definition
diff --git a/Silicon/BroxtonSoC/BroxtonSiPkg/Cpu/ResetVector/Vtf0/Bin/ResetVector.ia32.port80.raw b/Silicon/BroxtonSoC/BroxtonSiPkg/Cpu/ResetVector/Vtf0/Bin/ResetVector.ia32.port80.raw
index f1fc0417a921dee98833ff797ea1ea0c4de1e2f5..2cb2466ed5e4b31b371e2f93f472d04ca217933f 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 13

delta 13

diff --git a/Silicon/BroxtonSoC/BroxtonSiPkg/Cpu/ResetVector/Vtf0/Ia32/InitNEM.asm b/Silicon/BroxtonSoC/BroxtonSiPkg/Cpu/ResetVector/Vtf0/Ia32/InitNEM.asm
index 28560ab89..12d274676 100644
--- a/Silicon/BroxtonSoC/BroxtonSiPkg/Cpu/ResetVector/Vtf0/Ia32/InitNEM.asm
+++ b/Silicon/BroxtonSoC/BroxtonSiPkg/Cpu/ResetVector/Vtf0/Ia32/InitNEM.asm
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ istruc HobStruc
     dd 0x00100000   ; .CarSize
     dd 0xFFF00000   ; .IBBSource  = Not used
     dd 0xFEF45000   ; .IBBBase    = .CarBase
-    dd 0x00076000   ; .IBBSize    = size of (FVIBBM.fv+FSP_M.fv) = BLD_IBBM_SIZE + FSP_IBBM_SIZE = 0x76000
+    dd 0x0008D000   ; .IBBSize    = size of (FVIBBM.fv+FSP_M.fv) = BLD_IBBM_SIZE + FSP_IBBM_SIZE = 0x8D000
     dd 0xFFFFF000   ; .IBBLSource = 0x100000000 - .IBBLSize = PcdFlashFvIBBLBase
     dd 0xFEF40000   ; .IBBLBase   = .IBBBase + .IBBSize
     dd 0x00001000   ; .IBBLSize   = PcdFlashFvIBBLSize = FLASH_REGION_FV_IBBL_SIZE in .fdf

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