[edk2] [PATCH 3/5] MdePkg/BluetoothHc: Add detailed function header comments

Ruiyu Ni posted 5 patches 7 years, 6 months ago
There is a newer version of this series
[edk2] [PATCH 3/5] MdePkg/BluetoothHc: Add detailed function header comments
Posted by Ruiyu Ni 7 years, 6 months ago
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Ruiyu Ni <ruiyu.ni@intel.com>
Cc: Jiewen Yao <jiewen.yao@intel.com>
 MdePkg/Include/Protocol/BluetoothHc.h | 510 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 303 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/BluetoothHc.h b/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/BluetoothHc.h
index 37b7602679..b82c3285a0 100644
--- a/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/BluetoothHc.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/Protocol/BluetoothHc.h
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
   EFI Bluetooth Host Controller Protocol as defined in UEFI 2.5.
   This protocol abstracts the Bluetooth host controller layer message transmit and receive.
-  Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-  This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under 
-  the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.  
+  Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
+  the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
   The full text of the license may be found at
-  http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.                                          
+  http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
-  @par Revision Reference:          
+  @par Revision Reference:
   This Protocol is introduced in UEFI Specification 2.5
@@ -29,300 +29,396 @@ typedef struct _EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL;
   Send HCI command packet.
-  @param  This          Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  BufferSize    On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer specified by Buffer. 
-                        On output, indicates the amount of data actually transferred.
-  @param  Buffer        A pointer to the buffer of data that will be transmitted to Bluetooth host 
-                        controller.
-  @param  Timeout       Indicating the transfer should be completed within this time frame. The units are 
-                        in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0, then the caller must wait for the function to 
-                        be completed until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI command packet is sent successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - BufferSize is NULL.
-                                - *BufferSize is 0.
-                                - Buffer is NULL.
-  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           Sending HCI command packet fail due to timeout.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Sending HCI command packet fail due to host controller or device error.
+  The SendCommand() function sends HCI command packet. Buffer holds the whole HCI
+  command packet, including OpCode, OCF, OGF, parameter length, and parameters. When
+  this function is returned, it just means the HCI command packet is sent, it does not mean
+  the command is success or complete. Caller might need to wait a command status event
+  to know the command status, or wait a command complete event to know if the
+  command is completed.
+  @param[in]      This              Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in,out]  BufferSize        On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer
+                                    specified by Buffer. On output, indicates the amount of
+                                    data actually transferred.
+  @param[in]      Buffer            A pointer to the buffer of data that will be transmitted to
+                                    Bluetooth host controller.
+  @param[in]      Timeout           Indicating the transfer should be completed within this
+                                    time frame. The units are in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0,
+                                    then the caller must wait for the function to be completed
+                                    until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI command packet is sent successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      BufferSize is NULL.
+                                      *BufferSize is 0.
+                                      Buffer is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT               Sending HCI command packet fail due to timeout.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR          Sending HCI command packet fail due to host controller or device
+                                    error.
-  IN OUT UINTN                  *BufferSize,
-  IN VOID                       *Buffer,
-  IN UINTN                      Timeout
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,
+  IN VOID                           *Buffer,
+  IN UINTN                          Timeout
   Receive HCI event packet.
-  @param  This          Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  BufferSize    On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer specified by Buffer. 
-                        On output, indicates the amount of data actually transferred.
-  @param  Buffer        A pointer to the buffer of data that will be received from Bluetooth host controller.
-  @param  Timeout       Indicating the transfer should be completed within this time frame. The units are 
-                        in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0, then the caller must wait for the function to 
-                        be completed until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI event packet is received successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - BufferSize is NULL.
-                                - *BufferSize is 0.
-                                - Buffer is NULL.
-  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           Receiving HCI event packet fail due to timeout.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Receiving HCI event packet fail due to host controller or device error.
+  The ReceiveEvent() function receives HCI event packet. Buffer holds the whole HCI event
+  packet, including EventCode, parameter length, and parameters.
+  @param[in]      This              Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in,out]  BufferSize        On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer
+                                    specified by Buffer. On output, indicates the amount of
+                                    data actually transferred.
+  @param[out]     Buffer            A pointer to the buffer of data that will be received from
+                                    Bluetooth host controller.
+  @param[in]      Timeout           Indicating the transfer should be completed within this
+                                    time frame. The units are in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0,
+                                    then the caller must wait for the function to be completed
+                                    until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI event packet is received successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      BufferSize is NULL.
+                                      *BufferSize is 0.
+                                      Buffer is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT               Receiving HCI event packet fail due to timeout.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR          Receiving HCI event packet fail due to host controller or device
+                                    error.
-  IN OUT UINTN                  *BufferSize,
-  OUT VOID                      *Buffer,
-  IN UINTN                      Timeout
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,
+  OUT VOID                          *Buffer,
+  IN UINTN                          Timeout
-  Callback function, it is called when asynchronous transfer is completed.
+  The async callback of AsyncReceiveEvent().
-  @param  Data              Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  DataLength        Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data to be received.
-  @param  Context           Data passed into Callback function. This is optional parameter and may be NULL.
+  @param[in]  Data                  Data received via asynchronous transfer.
+  @param[in]  DataLength            The length of Data in bytes, received via asynchronous
+                                    transfer.
+  @param[in]  Context               Context passed from asynchronous transfer request.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The callback function complete successfully.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The callback does execute successfully.
+  @retval Others                    The callback doesn't execute successfully.
-  IN VOID                       *Data,
-  IN UINTN                      DataLength,
-  IN VOID                       *Context
+  IN VOID                           *Data,
+  IN UINTN                          DataLength,
+  IN VOID                           *Context
   Receive HCI event packet in non-blocking way.
-  @param  This              Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  IsNewTransfer     If TRUE, a new transfer will be submitted. If FALSE, the request is deleted.
-  @param  PollingInterval   Indicates the periodic rate, in milliseconds, that the transfer is to be executed.
-  @param  DataLength        Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data to be received.
-  @param  Callback          The callback function. This function is called if the asynchronous transfer is 
-                            completed.
-  @param  Context           Data passed into Callback function. This is optional parameter and may be NULL.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI asynchronous receive request is submitted successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - DataLength is 0.
-                                - If IsNewTransfer is TRUE, and an asynchronous receive request already exists.
+  The AsyncReceiveEvent() function receives HCI event packet in non-blocking way. Data
+  in Callback function holds the whole HCI event packet, including EventCode, parameter
+  length, and parameters.
+  @param[in]  This                  Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]  IsNewTransfer         If TRUE, a new transfer will be submitted. If FALSE, the
+                                    request is deleted.
+  @param[in]  PollingInterval       Indicates the periodic rate, in milliseconds, that the
+                                    transfer is to be executed.
+  @param[in]  DataLength            Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data to be received.
+  @param[in]  Callback              The callback function. This function is called if the
+                                    asynchronous transfer is completed.
+  @param[in]  Context               Data passed into Callback function. This is optional
+                                    parameter and may be NULL.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI asynchronous receive request is submitted successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      DataLength is 0.
+                                      If IsNewTransfer is TRUE, and an asynchronous receive
+                                      request already exists.
-  IN BOOLEAN                              IsNewTransfer,
-  IN UINTN                                PollingInterval,
-  IN UINTN                                DataLength,
-  IN VOID                                 *Context
+  IN EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL              *This,
+  IN BOOLEAN                                IsNewTransfer,
+  IN UINTN                                  PollingInterval,
+  IN UINTN                                  DataLength,
+  IN VOID                                   *Context
   Send HCI ACL data packet.
-  @param  This          Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  BufferSize    On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer specified by Buffer. 
-                        On output, indicates the amount of data actually transferred.
-  @param  Buffer        A pointer to the buffer of data that will be transmitted to Bluetooth host 
-                        controller.
-  @param  Timeout       Indicating the transfer should be completed within this time frame. The units are 
-                        in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0, then the caller must wait for the function to 
-                        be completed until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI ACL data packet is sent successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - BufferSize is NULL.
-                                - *BufferSize is 0.
-                                - Buffer is NULL.
-  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           Sending HCI ACL data packet fail due to timeout.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Sending HCI ACL data packet fail due to host controller or device error.
+  The SendACLData() function sends HCI ACL data packet. Buffer holds the whole HCI ACL
+  data packet, including Handle, PB flag, BC flag, data length, and data.
+  The SendACLData() function and ReceiveACLData() function just send and receive data
+  payload from application layer. In order to protect the payload data, the Bluetooth bus is
+  required to call HCI_Set_Connection_Encryption command to enable hardware based
+  encryption after authentication completed, according to pairing mode and host
+  capability.
+  @param[in]       This             Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in, out]  BufferSize       On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer
+                                    specified by Buffer. On output, indicates the amount of
+                                    data actually transferred.
+  @param[in]       Buffer           A pointer to the buffer of data that will be transmitted to
+                                    Bluetooth host controller.
+  @param[in]       Timeout          Indicating the transfer should be completed within this
+                                    time frame. The units are in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0,
+                                    then the caller must wait for the function to be completed
+                                    until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI ACL data packet is sent successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      BufferSize is NULL.
+                                      *BufferSize is 0.
+                                      Buffer is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT               Sending HCI ACL data packet fail due to timeout.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR          Sending HCI ACL data packet fail due to host controller or device
+                                    error.
-  IN OUT UINTN                  *BufferSize,
-  IN VOID                       *Buffer,
-  IN UINTN                      Timeout
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,
+  IN VOID                           *Buffer,
+  IN UINTN                          Timeout
   Receive HCI ACL data packet.
-  @param  This          Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  BufferSize    On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer specified by Buffer. 
-                        On output, indicates the amount of data actually transferred.
-  @param  Buffer        A pointer to the buffer of data that will be received from Bluetooth host controller.
-  @param  Timeout       Indicating the transfer should be completed within this time frame. The units are 
-                        in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0, then the caller must wait for the function to 
-                        be completed until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI ACL data packet is received successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - BufferSize is NULL.
-                                - *BufferSize is 0.
-                                - Buffer is NULL.
-  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           Receiving HCI ACL data packet fail due to timeout.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Receiving HCI ACL data packet fail due to host controller or device error.
+  The ReceiveACLData() function receives HCI ACL data packet. Buffer holds the whole HCI
+  ACL data packet, including Handle, PB flag, BC flag, data length, and data.
+  @param[in]       This             Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in, out]  BufferSize       On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer
+                                    specified by Buffer. On output, indicates the amount of
+                                    data actually transferred.
+  @param[out]      Buffer           A pointer to the buffer of data that will be received from
+                                    Bluetooth host controller.
+  @param[in]       Timeout          Indicating the transfer should be completed within this
+                                    time frame. The units are in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0,
+                                    then the caller must wait for the function to be completed
+                                    until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI ACL data packet is received successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      BufferSize is NULL.
+                                      *BufferSize is 0.
+                                      Buffer is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT               Receiving HCI ACL data packet fail due to timeout.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR          Receiving HCI ACL data packet fail due to host controller or device
+                                    error.
-  IN OUT UINTN                  *BufferSize,
-  OUT VOID                      *Buffer,
-  IN UINTN                      Timeout
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,
+  OUT VOID                          *Buffer,
+  IN UINTN                          Timeout
   Receive HCI ACL data packet in non-blocking way.
-  @param  This              Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  IsNewTransfer     If TRUE, a new transfer will be submitted. If FALSE, the request is deleted.
-  @param  PollingInterval   Indicates the periodic rate, in milliseconds, that the transfer is to be executed.
-  @param  DataLength        Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data to be received.
-  @param  Callback          The callback function. This function is called if the asynchronous transfer is 
-                            completed.
-  @param  Context           Data passed into Callback function. This is optional parameter and may be NULL.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI asynchronous receive request is submitted successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - DataLength is 0.
-                                - If IsNewTransfer is TRUE, and an asynchronous receive request already exists.
+  The AsyncReceiveACLData() function receives HCI ACL data packet in non-blocking way.
+  Data in Callback holds the whole HCI ACL data packet, including Handle, PB flag, BC flag,
+  data length, and data.
+  @param[in]  This                  Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]  IsNewTransfer         If TRUE, a new transfer will be submitted. If FALSE, the
+                                    request is deleted.
+  @param[in]  PollingInterval       Indicates the periodic rate, in milliseconds, that the
+                                    transfer is to be executed.
+  @param[in]  DataLength            Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data to be received.
+  @param[in]  Callback              The callback function. This function is called if the
+                                    asynchronous transfer is completed.
+  @param[in]  Context               Data passed into Callback function. This is optional
+                                    parameter and may be NULL.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI asynchronous receive request is submitted successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      DataLength is 0.
+                                      If IsNewTransfer is TRUE, and an asynchronous receive
+                                      request already exists.
-  IN BOOLEAN                              IsNewTransfer,
-  IN UINTN                                PollingInterval,
-  IN UINTN                                DataLength,
-  IN VOID                                 *Context
+  IN EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL              *This,
+  IN BOOLEAN                                IsNewTransfer,
+  IN UINTN                                  PollingInterval,
+  IN UINTN                                  DataLength,
+  IN VOID                                   *Context
   Send HCI SCO data packet.
-  @param  This          Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  BufferSize    On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer specified by Buffer. 
-                        On output, indicates the amount of data actually transferred.
-  @param  Buffer        A pointer to the buffer of data that will be transmitted to Bluetooth host 
-                        controller.
-  @param  Timeout       Indicating the transfer should be completed within this time frame. The units are 
-                        in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0, then the caller must wait for the function to 
-                        be completed until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI SCO data packet is sent successfully.
-  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The implementation does not support HCI SCO transfer.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - BufferSize is NULL.
-                                - *BufferSize is 0.
-                                - Buffer is NULL.
-  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           Sending HCI SCO data packet fail due to timeout.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Sending HCI SCO data packet fail due to host controller or device error.
+  The SendSCOData() function sends HCI SCO data packet. Buffer holds the whole HCI SCO
+  data packet, including ConnectionHandle, PacketStatus flag, data length, and data.
+  @param[in]      This              Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in,out]  BufferSize        On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer
+                                    specified by Buffer. On output, indicates the amount of
+                                    data actually transferred.
+  @param[in]      Buffer            A pointer to the buffer of data that will be transmitted to
+                                    Bluetooth host controller.
+  @param[in]      Timeout           Indicating the transfer should be completed within this
+                                    time frame. The units are in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0,
+                                    then the caller must wait for the function to be completed
+                                    until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI SCO data packet is sent successfully.
+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED           The implementation does not support HCI SCO transfer.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      BufferSize is NULL.
+                                      *BufferSize is 0.
+                                      Buffer is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT               Sending HCI SCO data packet fail due to timeout.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR          Sending HCI SCO data packet fail due to host controller or device
+                                    error.
-  IN OUT UINTN                  *BufferSize,
-  IN VOID                       *Buffer,
-  IN UINTN                      Timeout
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,
+  IN VOID                           *Buffer,
+  IN UINTN                          Timeout
   Receive HCI SCO data packet.
-  @param  This          Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  BufferSize    On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer specified by Buffer. 
-                        On output, indicates the amount of data actually transferred.
-  @param  Buffer        A pointer to the buffer of data that will be received from Bluetooth host controller.
-  @param  Timeout       Indicating the transfer should be completed within this time frame. The units are 
-                        in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0, then the caller must wait for the function to 
-                        be completed until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI SCO data packet is received successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - BufferSize is NULL.
-                                - *BufferSize is 0.
-                                - Buffer is NULL.
-  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           Receiving HCI SCO data packet fail due to timeout
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Receiving HCI SCO data packet fail due to host controller or device error.
+  The ReceiveSCOData() function receives HCI SCO data packet. Buffer holds the whole HCI
+  SCO data packet, including ConnectionHandle, PacketStatus flag, data length, and data.
+  @param[in]      This              Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in,out]  BufferSize        On input, indicates the size, in bytes, of the data buffer
+                                    specified by Buffer. On output, indicates the amount of
+                                    data actually transferred.
+  @param[out]     Buffer            A pointer to the buffer of data that will be received from
+                                    Bluetooth host controller.
+  @param[in]      Timeout           Indicating the transfer should be completed within this
+                                    time frame. The units are in milliseconds. If Timeout is 0,
+                                    then the caller must wait for the function to be completed
+                                    until EFI_SUCCESS or EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI SCO data packet is received successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      BufferSize is NULL.
+                                      *BufferSize is 0.
+                                      Buffer is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT               Receiving HCI SCO data packet fail due to timeout.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR          Receiving HCI SCO data packet fail due to host controller or device
+                                    error.
-  IN OUT UINTN                  *BufferSize,
-  OUT VOID                      *Buffer,
-  IN UINTN                      Timeout
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,
+  OUT VOID                          *Buffer,
+  IN UINTN                          Timeout
   Receive HCI SCO data packet in non-blocking way.
-  @param  This              Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
-  @param  IsNewTransfer     If TRUE, a new transfer will be submitted. If FALSE, the request is deleted.
-  @param  PollingInterval   Indicates the periodic rate, in milliseconds, that the transfer is to be executed.
-  @param  DataLength        Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data to be received.
-  @param  Callback          The callback function. This function is called if the asynchronous transfer is 
-                            completed.
-  @param  Context           Data passed into Callback function. This is optional parameter and may be NULL.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The HCI asynchronous receive request is submitted successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
-                                - DataLength is 0.
-                                - If IsNewTransfer is TRUE, and an asynchronous receive request already exists.
+  The AsyncReceiveSCOData() function receives HCI SCO data packet in non-blocking way.
+  Data in Callback holds the whole HCI SCO data packet, including ConnectionHandle,
+  PacketStatus flag, data length, and data.
+  @param[in]  This                  Pointer to the EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL instance.
+  @param[in]  IsNewTransfer         If TRUE, a new transfer will be submitted. If FALSE, the
+                                    request is deleted.
+  @param[in]  PollingInterval       Indicates the periodic rate, in milliseconds, that the
+                                    transfer is to be executed.
+  @param[in]  DataLength            Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data to be received.
+  @param[in]  Callback              The callback function. This function is called if the
+                                    asynchronous transfer is completed.
+  @param[in]  Context               Data passed into Callback function. This is optional
+                                    parameter and may be NULL.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               The HCI asynchronous receive request is submitted successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+                                      DataLength is 0.
+                                      If IsNewTransfer is TRUE, and an asynchronous receive
+                                      request already exists.
-  IN BOOLEAN                              IsNewTransfer,
-  IN UINTN                                PollingInterval,
-  IN UINTN                                DataLength,
-  IN VOID                                 *Context
+  IN EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL              *This,
+  IN BOOLEAN                                IsNewTransfer,
+  IN UINTN                                  PollingInterval,
+  IN UINTN                                  DataLength,
+  IN VOID                                   *Context
-/// This protocol abstracts the Bluetooth host controller layer message transmit and receive.
+// The EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_PROTOCOL is used to transmit or receive HCI layer data packets.
+  //
+  // Send HCI command packet.
+  //
   EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_SEND_COMMAND               SendCommand;
+  //
+  // Receive HCI event packets.
+  //
   EFI_BLUETOOTH_HC_RECEIVE_EVENT              ReceiveEvent;
+  //
+  // Non-blocking receive HCI event packets.
+  //
+  //
+  // Send HCI ACL (asynchronous connection-oriented) data packets.
+  //
+  //
+  // Receive HCI ACL data packets.
+  //
+  //
+  // Non-blocking receive HCI ACL data packets.
+  //
+  //
+  // Send HCI synchronous (SCO and eSCO) data packets.
+  //
+  //
+  // Receive HCI synchronous data packets.
+  //
+  //
+  // Non-blocking receive HCI synchronous data packets.
+  //
 extern EFI_GUID gEfiBluetoothHcProtocolGuid;

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