[edk2] [Patch V4 0/6] Update to Tiano Contribution Agreement 1.1

Michael D Kinney posted 6 patches 7 years, 5 months ago
Failed in applying to current master (apply log)
AppPkg/License.txt                            |  25 ---
ArmPkg/Contributions.txt                      | 218 --------------------------
ArmPkg/License.txt                            |  26 ---
ArmPlatformPkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
ArmPlatformPkg/License.txt                    |  25 ---
ArmVirtPkg/Contributions.txt                  | 218 --------------------------
BaseTools/Contributions.txt                   | 218 --------------------------
BaseTools/License.txt                         |  25 ---
BaseTools/Scripts/PatchCheck.py               |   9 +-
BeagleBoardPkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
BeagleBoardPkg/License.txt                    |  26 ---
AppPkg/Contributions.txt => Contributions.txt |  65 +++++---
CorebootModulePkg/Contributions.txt           | 218 --------------------------
CorebootModulePkg/License.txt                 |  25 ---
CorebootPayloadPkg/Contributions.txt          | 218 --------------------------
CorebootPayloadPkg/License.txt                |  25 ---
CryptoPkg/Contributions.txt                   | 218 --------------------------
CryptoPkg/License.txt                         |  25 ---
DuetPkg/Contributions.txt                     | 218 --------------------------
DuetPkg/License.txt                           |  25 ---
EdkCompatibilityPkg/Contributions.txt         | 218 --------------------------
EdkCompatibilityPkg/License.txt               |  29 ----
EdkShellBinPkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
EdkShellBinPkg/License.txt                    |  25 ---
EdkShellPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
EdkShellPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
EmbeddedPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
EmbeddedPkg/License.txt                       |  26 ---
EmulatorPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
EmulatorPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
FatBinPkg/Contributions.txt                   | 218 --------------------------
FatBinPkg/License.txt                         |  25 ---
FatPkg/Contributions.txt                      | 218 --------------------------
FatPkg/License.txt                            |  25 ---
IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Contributions.txt     | 218 --------------------------
IntelFrameworkModulePkg/License.txt           |  25 ---
IntelFrameworkPkg/Contributions.txt           | 218 --------------------------
IntelFrameworkPkg/License.txt                 |  25 ---
IntelFsp2Pkg/Contributions.txt                | 218 --------------------------
IntelFsp2Pkg/License.txt                      |  25 ---
IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/Contributions.txt         | 218 --------------------------
IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/License.txt               |  25 ---
IntelFspPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
IntelFspPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
IntelFspWrapperPkg/Contributions.txt          | 218 --------------------------
IntelFspWrapperPkg/License.txt                |  25 ---
IntelSiliconPkg/Contributions.txt             | 218 --------------------------
IntelSiliconPkg/License.txt                   |  25 ---
ArmVirtPkg/License.txt => License.txt         |   6 +-
MdeModulePkg/Contributions.txt                | 218 --------------------------
MdeModulePkg/License.txt                      |  25 ---
MdePkg/Contributions.txt                      | 218 --------------------------
MdePkg/License.txt                            |  25 ---
NetworkPkg/Contributions.txt                  | 218 --------------------------
NetworkPkg/License.txt                        |  25 ---
Nt32Pkg/Contributions.txt                     | 218 --------------------------
Nt32Pkg/License.txt                           |  25 ---
Omap35xxPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
Omap35xxPkg/License.txt                       |  26 ---
OptionRomPkg/Contributions.txt                | 218 --------------------------
OptionRomPkg/License.txt                      |  25 ---
OvmfPkg/Contributions.txt                     | 218 --------------------------
OvmfPkg/License.txt                           |  50 ------
PcAtChipsetPkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
PcAtChipsetPkg/License.txt                    |  25 ---
PerformancePkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
PerformancePkg/License.txt                    |  25 ---
QuarkPlatformPkg/Contributions.txt            | 218 --------------------------
QuarkPlatformPkg/License.txt                  |  25 ---
QuarkSocPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
QuarkSocPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
Readme.md                                     |  28 ++++
SecurityPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
SecurityPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
ShellBinPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
ShellBinPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
ShellPkg/Contributions.txt                    | 218 --------------------------
ShellPkg/License.txt                          |  25 ---
SignedCapsulePkg/Contributions.txt            | 218 --------------------------
SignedCapsulePkg/License.txt                  |  25 ---
SourceLevelDebugPkg/Contributions.txt         | 218 --------------------------
SourceLevelDebugPkg/License.txt               |  25 ---
StdLib/Contributions.txt                      | 218 --------------------------
StdLib/License.txt                            |  25 ---
StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/Contributions.txt  | 218 --------------------------
StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/License.txt        |  25 ---
UefiCpuPkg/Contributions.txt                  | 218 --------------------------
UefiCpuPkg/License.txt                        |  25 ---
Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/Contributions.txt        | 218 --------------------------
Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/License.txt              |  25 ---
Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Contributions.txt           | 218 --------------------------
Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/License.txt                 |  25 ---
92 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 10755 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 AppPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 ArmPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 ArmPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 ArmPlatformPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 ArmPlatformPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 ArmVirtPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 BaseTools/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 BaseTools/License.txt
delete mode 100644 BeagleBoardPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 BeagleBoardPkg/License.txt
rename AppPkg/Contributions.txt => Contributions.txt (77%)
delete mode 100644 CorebootModulePkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 CorebootModulePkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 CorebootPayloadPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 CorebootPayloadPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 CryptoPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 CryptoPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 DuetPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 DuetPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 EdkCompatibilityPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 EdkCompatibilityPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 EdkShellBinPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 EdkShellBinPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 EdkShellPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 EdkShellPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 EmbeddedPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 EmbeddedPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 EmulatorPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 EmulatorPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 FatBinPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 FatBinPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 FatPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 FatPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFrameworkModulePkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFrameworkPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFrameworkPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFsp2Pkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFsp2Pkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFspPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFspPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFspWrapperPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelFspWrapperPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelSiliconPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 IntelSiliconPkg/License.txt
rename ArmVirtPkg/License.txt => License.txt (94%)
delete mode 100644 MdeModulePkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 MdeModulePkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 MdePkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 MdePkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 NetworkPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 NetworkPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 Nt32Pkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 Nt32Pkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 Omap35xxPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 Omap35xxPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 OptionRomPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 OptionRomPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 OvmfPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 PcAtChipsetPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 PcAtChipsetPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 PerformancePkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 PerformancePkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 QuarkPlatformPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 QuarkPlatformPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 QuarkSocPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 QuarkSocPkg/License.txt
create mode 100644 Readme.md
delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 ShellBinPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 ShellBinPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 ShellPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 ShellPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 SignedCapsulePkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 SignedCapsulePkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 SourceLevelDebugPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 SourceLevelDebugPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 StdLib/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 StdLib/License.txt
delete mode 100644 StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/License.txt
delete mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/License.txt
delete mode 100644 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Contributions.txt
delete mode 100644 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/License.txt
[edk2] [Patch V4 0/6] Update to Tiano Contribution Agreement 1.1
Posted by Michael D Kinney 7 years, 5 months ago

New in V4
* Revert changes to OvmfPkg License.txt files.  OvmfPkg is back to its
  original state with MIT license for XEN content in OvmfPkg/License.txt.
* Revert change to remove commit message details from Contributions.txt.
  Instead, this section has been updated to support both code and documentation
* Remove commit message details from Readme.md.

New in V3
* Merge patch that moves Contribution.txt to root with patch that deletes
  Contribution.txt from packages. 
* Add Readme.md with commit message content that was removed from
* Add MIT License.txt files for XEN related components in OvmfPkg to those
* Add BSD 2-Clause License.txt file to root of edk2 repo so it can be referenced
  from Readme.md in root of edk2 repo.
* Remove duplicate BSD 2-Clause License.txt from packages.  
New in V2
* Reorder checks in PatchCheck.py and add comments
* Split patch series up into more patches
* Add more detailed reason for change to commit messages 
* Rename CONTRIBUTIONS.TXT to Contributions.txt
* Reformat Contributions.txt to wrap at 80 columns

This series updates the contribution agreement from the
Tiano Contribution Agreement 1.0 to the Tiano Contribution
Agreement 1.1.  In addition, the duplication of the 
Contributions.txt file is removed and a single version of
Contributions.txt is added to the root of the edk2 repository.

The BaseTools/Scripts/PatchCheck.py tool is also updated to 
support the Tiano Contribution Agreement 1.1.

The RFC email discussion that covers the new contribution
agreement can be found here:


This new agreement does not have any changes for code contributions.
It adds content to cover open source documentation contributions.

Cc: Leif Lindholm <leif.lindholm@linaro.org>
Cc: Andrew Fish <afish@apple.com>
Cc: Jordan Justen <jordan.l.justen@intel.com>
Cc: Laszlo Ersek <lersek@redhat.com>
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>

Michael D Kinney (6):
  BaseTools/PatchCheck: Support Contribution Agreement 1.1
  edk2: Move TianoCore Contribution Agreement to root
  edk2: Update to TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
  edk2: Reformat TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
  edk2: Move License.txt file to root
  edk2: Add Readme.md to root of edk2 repository

 AppPkg/License.txt                            |  25 ---
 ArmPkg/Contributions.txt                      | 218 --------------------------
 ArmPkg/License.txt                            |  26 ---
 ArmPlatformPkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
 ArmPlatformPkg/License.txt                    |  25 ---
 ArmVirtPkg/Contributions.txt                  | 218 --------------------------
 BaseTools/Contributions.txt                   | 218 --------------------------
 BaseTools/License.txt                         |  25 ---
 BaseTools/Scripts/PatchCheck.py               |   9 +-
 BeagleBoardPkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
 BeagleBoardPkg/License.txt                    |  26 ---
 AppPkg/Contributions.txt => Contributions.txt |  65 +++++---
 CorebootModulePkg/Contributions.txt           | 218 --------------------------
 CorebootModulePkg/License.txt                 |  25 ---
 CorebootPayloadPkg/Contributions.txt          | 218 --------------------------
 CorebootPayloadPkg/License.txt                |  25 ---
 CryptoPkg/Contributions.txt                   | 218 --------------------------
 CryptoPkg/License.txt                         |  25 ---
 DuetPkg/Contributions.txt                     | 218 --------------------------
 DuetPkg/License.txt                           |  25 ---
 EdkCompatibilityPkg/Contributions.txt         | 218 --------------------------
 EdkCompatibilityPkg/License.txt               |  29 ----
 EdkShellBinPkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
 EdkShellBinPkg/License.txt                    |  25 ---
 EdkShellPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
 EdkShellPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
 EmbeddedPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
 EmbeddedPkg/License.txt                       |  26 ---
 EmulatorPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
 EmulatorPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
 FatBinPkg/Contributions.txt                   | 218 --------------------------
 FatBinPkg/License.txt                         |  25 ---
 FatPkg/Contributions.txt                      | 218 --------------------------
 FatPkg/License.txt                            |  25 ---
 IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Contributions.txt     | 218 --------------------------
 IntelFrameworkModulePkg/License.txt           |  25 ---
 IntelFrameworkPkg/Contributions.txt           | 218 --------------------------
 IntelFrameworkPkg/License.txt                 |  25 ---
 IntelFsp2Pkg/Contributions.txt                | 218 --------------------------
 IntelFsp2Pkg/License.txt                      |  25 ---
 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/Contributions.txt         | 218 --------------------------
 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/License.txt               |  25 ---
 IntelFspPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
 IntelFspPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
 IntelFspWrapperPkg/Contributions.txt          | 218 --------------------------
 IntelFspWrapperPkg/License.txt                |  25 ---
 IntelSiliconPkg/Contributions.txt             | 218 --------------------------
 IntelSiliconPkg/License.txt                   |  25 ---
 ArmVirtPkg/License.txt => License.txt         |   6 +-
 MdeModulePkg/Contributions.txt                | 218 --------------------------
 MdeModulePkg/License.txt                      |  25 ---
 MdePkg/Contributions.txt                      | 218 --------------------------
 MdePkg/License.txt                            |  25 ---
 NetworkPkg/Contributions.txt                  | 218 --------------------------
 NetworkPkg/License.txt                        |  25 ---
 Nt32Pkg/Contributions.txt                     | 218 --------------------------
 Nt32Pkg/License.txt                           |  25 ---
 Omap35xxPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
 Omap35xxPkg/License.txt                       |  26 ---
 OptionRomPkg/Contributions.txt                | 218 --------------------------
 OptionRomPkg/License.txt                      |  25 ---
 OvmfPkg/Contributions.txt                     | 218 --------------------------
 OvmfPkg/License.txt                           |  50 ------
 PcAtChipsetPkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
 PcAtChipsetPkg/License.txt                    |  25 ---
 PerformancePkg/Contributions.txt              | 218 --------------------------
 PerformancePkg/License.txt                    |  25 ---
 QuarkPlatformPkg/Contributions.txt            | 218 --------------------------
 QuarkPlatformPkg/License.txt                  |  25 ---
 QuarkSocPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
 QuarkSocPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
 Readme.md                                     |  28 ++++
 SecurityPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
 SecurityPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
 ShellBinPkg/Contributions.txt                 | 218 --------------------------
 ShellBinPkg/License.txt                       |  25 ---
 ShellPkg/Contributions.txt                    | 218 --------------------------
 ShellPkg/License.txt                          |  25 ---
 SignedCapsulePkg/Contributions.txt            | 218 --------------------------
 SignedCapsulePkg/License.txt                  |  25 ---
 SourceLevelDebugPkg/Contributions.txt         | 218 --------------------------
 SourceLevelDebugPkg/License.txt               |  25 ---
 StdLib/Contributions.txt                      | 218 --------------------------
 StdLib/License.txt                            |  25 ---
 StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/Contributions.txt  | 218 --------------------------
 StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/License.txt        |  25 ---
 UefiCpuPkg/Contributions.txt                  | 218 --------------------------
 UefiCpuPkg/License.txt                        |  25 ---
 Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/Contributions.txt        | 218 --------------------------
 Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/License.txt              |  25 ---
 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Contributions.txt           | 218 --------------------------
 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/License.txt                 |  25 ---
 92 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 10755 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 AppPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 ArmPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 ArmPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 ArmPlatformPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 ArmPlatformPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 ArmVirtPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 BaseTools/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 BaseTools/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 BeagleBoardPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 BeagleBoardPkg/License.txt
 rename AppPkg/Contributions.txt => Contributions.txt (77%)
 delete mode 100644 CorebootModulePkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 CorebootModulePkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 CorebootPayloadPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 CorebootPayloadPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 CryptoPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 CryptoPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 DuetPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 DuetPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 EdkCompatibilityPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 EdkCompatibilityPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 EdkShellBinPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 EdkShellBinPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 EdkShellPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 EdkShellPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 EmbeddedPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 EmbeddedPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 EmulatorPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 EmulatorPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 FatBinPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 FatBinPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 FatPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 FatPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFrameworkModulePkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFrameworkPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFrameworkPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFsp2Pkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFsp2Pkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFspPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFspPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFspWrapperPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelFspWrapperPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelSiliconPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 IntelSiliconPkg/License.txt
 rename ArmVirtPkg/License.txt => License.txt (94%)
 delete mode 100644 MdeModulePkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 MdeModulePkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 MdePkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 MdePkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 NetworkPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 NetworkPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 Nt32Pkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 Nt32Pkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 Omap35xxPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 Omap35xxPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 OptionRomPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 OptionRomPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 OvmfPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 PcAtChipsetPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 PcAtChipsetPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 PerformancePkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 PerformancePkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 QuarkPlatformPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 QuarkPlatformPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 QuarkSocPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 QuarkSocPkg/License.txt
 create mode 100644 Readme.md
 delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 ShellBinPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 ShellBinPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 ShellPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 ShellPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 SignedCapsulePkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 SignedCapsulePkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 SourceLevelDebugPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 SourceLevelDebugPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 StdLib/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 StdLib/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 StdLibPrivateInternalFiles/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg/License.txt
 delete mode 100644 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Contributions.txt
 delete mode 100644 Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/License.txt


edk2-devel mailing list
Re: [edk2] [Patch V4 0/6] Update to Tiano Contribution Agreement 1.1
Posted by Laszlo Ersek 7 years, 5 months ago
On 07/25/17 01:45, Michael D Kinney wrote:
> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=628
> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=629
> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=642
> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=643
> New in V4

> * Revert change to remove commit message details from
>   Contributions.txt. Instead, this section has been updated to support
>   both code and documentation patches.

> This new agreement does not have any changes for code contributions.
> It adds content to cover open source documentation contributions.

I was a bit confused why updating the source tree to 1.1 was then
justified, but "Patch v4 3/6" explains it well in the commit message.

I have one suggestion for patch 3: it says that CodeModule should be
omitted from docs patches. However, I suggest that we keep the same
format for docs patches as well; "CodeModule" (or rather "DocModule"
could refer to the chapter or section of the gitbook that is being
modified (chapters and appendices are kept in separate files --
sometimes even in multiple files in separate directories -- in the
docbook source trees anyway, and I think "DocModule" could be a logical

Just my opinion of course.

Regarding patch 5, and the special handling of the OvmfPkg license file
-- today I commented on that in

> perhaps one root license file with a default license, and pathname
> patterns that cumulatively cover all of the exceptions. Or one license
> file per package, with a default license for the package, plus
> pathname patterns, where the patterns cumulatively cover all of the
> exceptions within the package.

IIUC, patch #5 would leave two license files in the tree, the tree-wide
default, and OVMF's with some exceptions (identified by pathnames). I
feel that representing exceptions with two methods ((a) separate license
files that override each other, and (b) pathnames in said license files)
is a bit confusing.

So I think we should *either* (1) have one core license file that spells
out all of the exceptions in the tree (by pathname), *or* (2) have
package-level, independent license files that spell out exceptions in
their own respective, containing packages. Currently patch 5 seems to be
a mix of the two.

(Note: I use *bold* above in an attempt to make myself clear; it
certainly doesn't mean that I "insist" on this. I don't feel very
strongly about this, so if you or Jordan disagree with my point, I'm
fine. In particular I seem to recall that Jordan disagrees with option
(1), and you likely disagree with option (2), because that's what we
have right now.)

edk2-devel mailing list
Re: [edk2] [Patch V4 0/6] Update to Tiano Contribution Agreement 1.1
Posted by Kinney, Michael D 7 years, 5 months ago

If you look at patch V4 #6, you will see the Readme.md has been
added that lists all the licenses in use.  There are more than 
just the default BSD license and the 3 components in the OvmfPkg.
I prefer the idea of using Readme.md to provide an clear inventory
of the licenses in use in the entire repository.

+The majority of the content in the EDK II open source project uses a
+[BSD 2-Clause License](License.txt).  The EDK II open source project contains
+the following components that are covered by additional licenses:
+* [AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/pybench](AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/pybench/LICENSE)
+* [AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2](AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/LICENSE)
+* [AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.10](AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.10/LICENSE)
+* [BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress](BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/LICENSE)
+* [MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib](MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/LICENSE)
+* [OvmfPkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Xen](OvmfPkg/License.txt)
+* [OvmfPkg/XenBusDxe](OvmfPkg/License.txt)
+* [OvmfPkg/XenPvBlkDxe](OvmfPkg/License.txt)
+* [CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl](CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl/LICENSE)

The placement of the license files is not consistent at this 
point and I would prefer to make them consistent.  My earlier
proposal to change OvmfPkg was my first attempt to make everything
consistent and with the addition of Readme.md, easily discoverable.

I also found the following statement in the TianoCore Contribution
Agreement on this topic:

"Certain other content may be made available under other licenses as
indicated in or with such Content (for example, in a License.txt file)."



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laszlo Ersek [mailto:lersek@redhat.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 6:08 AM
> To: Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>; edk2-
> devel@lists.01.org
> Cc: Leif Lindholm <leif.lindholm@linaro.org>; Andrew Fish
> <afish@apple.com>; Justen, Jordan L <jordan.l.justen@intel.com>
> Subject: Re: [Patch V4 0/6] Update to Tiano Contribution
> Agreement 1.1
> On 07/25/17 01:45, Michael D Kinney wrote:
> > https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=628
> > https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=629
> > https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=642
> > https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=643
> >
> > New in V4
> > * Revert change to remove commit message details from
> >   Contributions.txt. Instead, this section has been updated to
> support
> >   both code and documentation patches.
> > This new agreement does not have any changes for code
> contributions.
> > It adds content to cover open source documentation
> contributions.
> I was a bit confused why updating the source tree to 1.1 was then
> justified, but "Patch v4 3/6" explains it well in the commit
> message.
> I have one suggestion for patch 3: it says that CodeModule should
> be
> omitted from docs patches. However, I suggest that we keep the
> same
> format for docs patches as well; "CodeModule" (or rather
> "DocModule"
> could refer to the chapter or section of the gitbook that is
> being
> modified (chapters and appendices are kept in separate files --
> sometimes even in multiple files in separate directories -- in
> the
> docbook source trees anyway, and I think "DocModule" could be a
> logical
> match).
> Just my opinion of course.
> Regarding patch 5, and the special handling of the OvmfPkg
> license file
> -- today I commented on that in
> <https://lists.01.org/pipermail/edk2-devel/2017-
> July/012547.html>:
> > perhaps one root license file with a default license, and
> pathname
> > patterns that cumulatively cover all of the exceptions. Or one
> license
> > file per package, with a default license for the package, plus
> > pathname patterns, where the patterns cumulatively cover all of
> the
> > exceptions within the package.
> IIUC, patch #5 would leave two license files in the tree, the
> tree-wide
> default, and OVMF's with some exceptions (identified by
> pathnames). I
> feel that representing exceptions with two methods ((a) separate
> license
> files that override each other, and (b) pathnames in said license
> files)
> is a bit confusing.
> So I think we should *either* (1) have one core license file that
> spells
> out all of the exceptions in the tree (by pathname), *or* (2)
> have
> package-level, independent license files that spell out
> exceptions in
> their own respective, containing packages. Currently patch 5
> seems to be
> a mix of the two.
> (Note: I use *bold* above in an attempt to make myself clear; it
> certainly doesn't mean that I "insist" on this. I don't feel very
> strongly about this, so if you or Jordan disagree with my point,
> I'm
> fine. In particular I seem to recall that Jordan disagrees with
> option
> (1), and you likely disagree with option (2), because that's what
> we
> have right now.)
> Thanks
> Laszlo
edk2-devel mailing list
Re: [edk2] [Patch V4 0/6] Update to Tiano Contribution Agreement 1.1
Posted by Laszlo Ersek 7 years, 5 months ago
On 07/25/17 18:06, Kinney, Michael D wrote:
> Laszlo,
> If you look at patch V4 #6, you will see the Readme.md has been
> added that lists all the licenses in use.  There are more than 
> just the default BSD license and the 3 components in the OvmfPkg.
> I prefer the idea of using Readme.md to provide an clear inventory
> of the licenses in use in the entire repository.

Thanks, sorry for missing this -- from other parts of the discussion I
think I understood the "inventory thing", but I missed that it actually
mapped each non-default license to the code that was covered by it.

Jordan's suggestion (which you seem to be OK with) under v4 6/6 looks
fine to me as well.

Thank you,

> +The majority of the content in the EDK II open source project uses a
> +[BSD 2-Clause License](License.txt).  The EDK II open source project contains
> +the following components that are covered by additional licenses:
> +* [AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/pybench](AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/pybench/LICENSE)
> +* [AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2](AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/LICENSE)
> +* [AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.10](AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.10/LICENSE)
> +* [BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress](BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/LICENSE)
> +* [MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib](MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/LICENSE)
> +* [OvmfPkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Xen](OvmfPkg/License.txt)
> +* [OvmfPkg/XenBusDxe](OvmfPkg/License.txt)
> +* [OvmfPkg/XenPvBlkDxe](OvmfPkg/License.txt)
> +* [CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl](CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl/LICENSE)
> The placement of the license files is not consistent at this 
> point and I would prefer to make them consistent.  My earlier
> proposal to change OvmfPkg was my first attempt to make everything
> consistent and with the addition of Readme.md, easily discoverable.
> I also found the following statement in the TianoCore Contribution
> Agreement on this topic:
> "Certain other content may be made available under other licenses as
> indicated in or with such Content (for example, in a License.txt file)."
> Thanks,
> Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Laszlo Ersek [mailto:lersek@redhat.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 6:08 AM
>> To: Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>; edk2-
>> devel@lists.01.org
>> Cc: Leif Lindholm <leif.lindholm@linaro.org>; Andrew Fish
>> <afish@apple.com>; Justen, Jordan L <jordan.l.justen@intel.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Patch V4 0/6] Update to Tiano Contribution
>> Agreement 1.1
>> On 07/25/17 01:45, Michael D Kinney wrote:
>>> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=628
>>> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=629
>>> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=642
>>> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=643
>>> New in V4
>>> * Revert change to remove commit message details from
>>>   Contributions.txt. Instead, this section has been updated to
>> support
>>>   both code and documentation patches.
>>> This new agreement does not have any changes for code
>> contributions.
>>> It adds content to cover open source documentation
>> contributions.
>> I was a bit confused why updating the source tree to 1.1 was then
>> justified, but "Patch v4 3/6" explains it well in the commit
>> message.
>> I have one suggestion for patch 3: it says that CodeModule should
>> be
>> omitted from docs patches. However, I suggest that we keep the
>> same
>> format for docs patches as well; "CodeModule" (or rather
>> "DocModule"
>> could refer to the chapter or section of the gitbook that is
>> being
>> modified (chapters and appendices are kept in separate files --
>> sometimes even in multiple files in separate directories -- in
>> the
>> docbook source trees anyway, and I think "DocModule" could be a
>> logical
>> match).
>> Just my opinion of course.
>> Regarding patch 5, and the special handling of the OvmfPkg
>> license file
>> -- today I commented on that in
>> <https://lists.01.org/pipermail/edk2-devel/2017-
>> July/012547.html>:
>>> perhaps one root license file with a default license, and
>> pathname
>>> patterns that cumulatively cover all of the exceptions. Or one
>> license
>>> file per package, with a default license for the package, plus
>>> pathname patterns, where the patterns cumulatively cover all of
>> the
>>> exceptions within the package.
>> IIUC, patch #5 would leave two license files in the tree, the
>> tree-wide
>> default, and OVMF's with some exceptions (identified by
>> pathnames). I
>> feel that representing exceptions with two methods ((a) separate
>> license
>> files that override each other, and (b) pathnames in said license
>> files)
>> is a bit confusing.
>> So I think we should *either* (1) have one core license file that
>> spells
>> out all of the exceptions in the tree (by pathname), *or* (2)
>> have
>> package-level, independent license files that spell out
>> exceptions in
>> their own respective, containing packages. Currently patch 5
>> seems to be
>> a mix of the two.
>> (Note: I use *bold* above in an attempt to make myself clear; it
>> certainly doesn't mean that I "insist" on this. I don't feel very
>> strongly about this, so if you or Jordan disagree with my point,
>> I'm
>> fine. In particular I seem to recall that Jordan disagrees with
>> option
>> (1), and you likely disagree with option (2), because that's what
>> we
>> have right now.)
>> Thanks
>> Laszlo

edk2-devel mailing list