All series for EDK2

Status Subject Author
G [edk2] [PATCH edk2-platforms\devel-MinPlatform 0/4] IPMI codes update Hao Wu 6 years ago
G [edk2] [PATCH edk2-platforms\devel-MinPlatform] MinPlatformPkg: Update PerformanceLib instance for UEFI_APPLICATION Hao Wu 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH v4 0/3] OvmfPkg: mark flash memory range as MMIO Brijesh Singh 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH v4] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add bit field population calculating methods Tomas Pilar (tpilar) 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH edk2-platforms\devel-MinPlatform] PurleyOpenBoardPkg: Remove unnecessary Link16 and IASL override Liming Gao 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH edk2-platforms\devel-MinPlatform] MinPlatform: update to correct branch name Liming Gao 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH edk2-platforms\devel-MinPlatform] MinPlatform: Update batch file to call python.exe Liming Gao 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH edk2-platforms\devel-MinPlatform] MinPlatformPkg: Enable PatchFv tool supports PCD value format in build report Liming Gao 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [PATCH v3 0/3] OvmfPkg: mark flash memory range as MMIO Brijesh Singh 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [Patch V2] BaseTools: enable FixedAtBuild (VOID*) PCD use in the [DEPEX] section Yonghong Zhu 6 years ago
G [edk2] [Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-IntelAtomProcessorE3900] Add SpiAccess build option Guo, Mang 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [PATCH v3] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add bit field population calculating methods Tomas Pilar (tpilar) 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH] Platform/ARM: Correct LevelID in PLPI packages of DSDT AlexeiFedorov 6 years ago
R G [edk2] 答复: [Patch] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Optimize get processor number performance. Fan Jeff 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [Patch] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Optimize get processor number performance. Eric Dong 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 0/6] Improve D0x platforms and bug fix Ming Huang 6 years ago
? R [edk2] [PATCH edk2-non-osi v1 0/1] Fix invoke SetMemorySpaceAttributes error bug Ming Huang 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [Patch] MdeModulePkg/S3SmmInitDone.h: Fix copyright coding style error. Eric Dong 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [Patch] BaseTools: enable FixedAtBuild (VOID*) PCD use in the [DEPEX] section Yonghong Zhu 6 years ago
G [edk2] [PATCH v4 0/9] Add platform hook for ultimate boot failure. Ruiyu Ni 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [Patch v3] NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Fix the bug when parsing HTTP(S) message body. Jiaxin Wu 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [PATCH v2] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add bit field population calculating methods Tomas Pilar (tpilar) 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH] BaseTools/AutoGen: Update header file for MM modules. Supreeth Venkatesh 6 years ago
? [edk2] [PATCH 0/1] BaseTools changes for Management Mode modules Supreeth Venkatesh 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [PATCH 0/6] ArmPkg related changes for StandaloneMM package Supreeth Venkatesh 6 years ago
? O [edk2] [PATCH 00/10] Standalone Management Mode Core Interface for AARCH64 Platforms Supreeth Venkatesh 6 years ago
O G [edk2] [PATCH v3 0/7] Add platform hook for ultimate boot failure. Ruiyu Ni 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH] MdeModulePkg SataControllerDxe: Use compare logic in if condition Star Zeng 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH] MdeModulePkg Variable: Add/Correct GetHobVariableStore para description Star Zeng 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Avoid calling PEI services from AP Ruiyu Ni 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [patch] MdeModulePkg/SmmCorePerformanceLib: Update mPerformanceLength Dandan Bi 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH 0/3] Bug fix and minor enhancements to ResetSystem code Ruiyu Ni 6 years ago
R O G [edk2] [Patch v2] NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Fix the bug when parsing HTTP(S) message body. Jiaxin Wu 6 years ago
G [edk2] [Patch] BaseTool: Add cache for the result of SkipAutogen. BobCF 6 years ago
G [edk2] [PATCH v3] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Avoid calling PEI services from AP Ruiyu Ni 6 years ago
G [edk2] [PATCH] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add bit field Hamming weight calculation methods Tomas Pilar (tpilar) 6 years ago
G [edk2] [Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoardMax-UDK2017] Fix GCC build error. zwei4 6 years ago
G [edk2] [Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoardMax-UDK2017] Platform DxeTrEEPhysicalPresenceLib. zwei4 6 years ago
G [edk2] [PATCH] OvmfPkg/BDS: Provide platform callback for ultimate boot failure Ruiyu Ni 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH v2 0/2] Enhance BDS to handle ultimate boot failure Ruiyu Ni 6 years ago
G [edk2] [Patch V2] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Remove redundant parameter. Eric Dong 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH 0/2] Variable: Make sure no more than one Variable HOB Star Zeng 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH] MdeModulePkg SataControllerDxe: Calculate ChannelCount based on PI value Star Zeng 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH] MdeModulePkg PeiCore: Not assume PpiDescriptor and Ppi in same range Star Zeng 6 years ago
G [edk2] [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: handle ultimate boot failure Ruiyu Ni 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [Patch V2] BaseTools: Fix parsing multiple nest !include issue Yonghong Zhu 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [Patch V2] FDF Spec: support varstore template generation with a [FV] section Yonghong Zhu 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoardMax-UDK2017] Fix capsule update issue Guo, Mang 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/Sd: Fix type when adding model name string Hao Wu 6 years ago
R G [edk2] [PATCH v2] MdeModulePkg/AtaPassThru: Add missing NULL ptr check in BindingStart Hao Wu 6 years ago